Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Bright Side

The other day I wrote about watching my daughter play and how happy it made me. Today, after a not so good day yesterday, I'm trying to look on the bright side of things. Today I, as I do every 4 weeks, , spent the day in hospital having my usual transfusion. It's left me with a fever and a nasty headache.Yet when I talk with the other patients we all seem to focus on the good things in our life and no one (apart from a few who strike me as the type of person who would whinge about anything and everything) really seems to complain. We know it would be futile. Perhaps it might eliviate the odd negative feeling, but all know that looking on the bright side spares us being in a constant state of distress. Knowing that you have a serious disease, and particularly for the patients who have a terminal disease, makes you appreciate the wonderful people and things you have in your life (so cliche I know, but there is a reason for that - it's true!). Despite the nasty headache, I felt so good when I got home and had a long cuddle on the sofa with my beautiful little girl. It may not get rid of the headache but it certainly makes me feel pretty good.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Heart

Today I watched my daughter play in the park. It makes my heart burst with happiness when I watch my daughter grin with delight and sheer happiness.